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Ingram is a licensing agent specializing in bringing popular brands and characters to the global market.

What is Kanahei’s Small animals

Kanahei©kanahei / TXCOM

About Kanahei

Kanahei is a Japanese illustrator and manga artist who as a high school student made her professional debut in 2003 in Seventeen, a popular female teens magazine published by Shueisha.
She became a roaring success with her uniquely drawn digital wallpapers for cellphone screens. The spread of Kanahei’s work is also connected by LINE stickers and she has won several LINE’s annual awards.
Kanahei has a strong 20’s and 30’s unisex fan base, and her characters are consistently popular on social media platforms. Her cute and creative world has expanded globally through licensing across publishing, digital content, merchandising, and corporate advertising.

Character Introduction


Usagi the rabbit spends a lot of time with its friend, Piske the bird.
Usagi has a bit of a reputation amongst rabbits as being especially mischievous.
Sometimes Usagi gets angry with Piske for messing about too much.
Usagi is surprisingly sensible and loves to eat.


Piske the bird does a lot of things together with Usagi.
Piske has a serious character.
Basically, Piske is expressionless no matter what happens, but when Piske gets angry, he becomes scary.
Maybe because Piske is too serious and occasionally does something unexpected, it surprises Usagi.




Commercialization Example


I Love character licensing show / Oct 11, 2024 – Oct 13, 2024

Kanahei’s Small animals the Funny Museum / Mar 24, 2024 – Apr 15, 2024

Hotel New Otani Tokyo Piske & Usagi room / Apr 1, 2024 – Mar 31, 2025

Seven-eleven / Jul, 2019 -

Nantou Lantern Festival / Jan 14, 2023 – Feb 5, 2023

J!NS / Jul 15, 2023 - Oct 11, 2023


Company Name Ingram Co., Ltd.
Establishment August 1992
Address JMF Bldg Kanda 01-2F, 2-1-15 Iwamoto-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0032, JAPAN
Phone +81-(0)3-5823-0033

What’s Ingram

Ingram Co., Ltd., was founded in August 1992, and our company name, ‘INGRAM,' stands for International Guidance, Research, and Management. Our main mission is to excel in the licensing business on a global scale. We specialize in bringing popular brands and characters from different countries to Japan and vice versa. Our success is built on extensive research and years of experience, allowing us to select the most influential properties. We also have a strong global presence, continuously gathering information and data from around the world to shape our marketing strategies. In essence, we are a company dedicated to maximizing the value of the properties we work with, going beyond just licensing and production.

Philosophy of Management

Our corporate principle is to connect people through licensing. Licensing has unlimited potential for business development in any country, regardless of gender, era, or circumstances. We embrace challenges without the fear of failure and remain committed to offering our business potential to our partners. What we expect is not just immediate results but continuous expansion and outreach to our principal. We offer our services to assist in connecting people and companies with gratitude. This is our mission.

